Friday 19 August 2011

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  • xUKHCx
    Apr 21, 12:11 PM
    I clicked on a post rated 0 and it went to -2. I clicked on another post rated 0, and it went to -2. I clicked - again and it went to -1.

    Are you doing it in this thread? because I suspect that lots of people are voting on every post to try stuff out. Go and find a dormant post to test it on.

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  • err404
    May 2, 11:36 AM
    your correct, based on Steve Jobbs response to this which was pure BS we can never trust that the files do NOT get sent out.
    Apple has been open about collecting location data. However that does does not come from consolidated.db. The database that everyone is talking about is data sent FROM Apple TO your phone. Why would Apple collect the data that they sent to you?

    The issue is that if your phone is compromised by a third party, this DB could be used to infer information about your location (you location is not directly stored in the DB). The changes being made reduce this risk by shortening the cache and encrypting the data.

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  • Muscleflex
    Apr 7, 03:07 AM
    The McRib is BACK!!!!!!!!! YUM YUM!!!

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  • LethalWolfe
    Nov 11, 08:33 PM
    I'm a Nazi zomb expert (and I do mean expert) and let me say that they made it hard this time around. It seems to be made specifically for the cult players. If you couldn't get past lvl 15 in the last levels, you aren't grtting past 4-5 here.
    I agree. I love how the difficulty ramps up so quick now. In CoD:WaW I felt like things didn't really start to get going until the low teens.

    All of our NAT types are open. We even did test connection to make sure on the dashboard but it still horrible.

    such a let down
    Sucks to hear. Hopefully it's something server side that they'll have squared away soon.


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  • Ziger Woods
    Apr 25, 11:46 AM
    I hope this is tha new 4S or whatever they call it!? It will b a nice upgrade from my almost unbearable 3G!!!

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  • AbyssImpact
    May 4, 09:30 PM
    I thought the same thing, discriminating on us white iPad folks

    Nope, just that they are sold out with the White Ipad 2s because they are so popular and everyone wants them. They gotta settle with the black ones since it is sitting on shelves collecting dust;)

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  • SideStepSociety
    Apr 29, 04:19 PM

    EDIT: How do I make this look bigger? ^ this?

    System Preferences sorted alphabetically has been around for awhile now. If I recall correctly, I think I even remember it in Tiger. Not sure about anything before that.

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  • Carlanga
    Mar 19, 11:57 AM
    ...I personally have an iPhone 4, I've had it for ages and love it. ...

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

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  • aswitcher
    Sep 12, 07:54 AM
    What do these clowns do to us aussies, 3am, so not fair, everytime

    Yeah. I am off to bed for 4 hours. iTunes will just be frustrating given its not going to be for us I think. Maybe there will be some juciy hardware in 4 hours or so.

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  • davepoint
    Aug 12, 04:31 PM
    surely they wouldn't update the specs only to release something new in a month or so..

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  • Sun Baked
    Mar 23, 07:04 PM
    LOL, if you really feel that bad about it my PayPal address is I won't say no. :DYou'd probably only say no if some of the people expected to "borrow" your body for that $5 a pop. ;)


    Likely somebody that knew you had it and wanted it, hence the targeted break in. :(

    And since it seems like a neighbor took it, it shows that they are an idiot.

    Time to break out the video camera for evidence.

    Edit: if a kid took it, sue the parents if they do not make good on damages and return the merchandise. Should only need that video tape for a small claims case.

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  • relativist
    Apr 9, 05:25 PM
    I checked next weeks circular on and no mention of iPad2. I'm starting to think it would be better to buy it anywhere else. From what I remember it took about 2-3 months at most after the iPad 1 was announced that it became readily available.

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  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    I promise promise promise its not a spoiler.

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  • Eraserhead
    Apr 25, 04:24 PM
    Dear McDonalds: Boom. You just lost a whole lot of customers.

    Assuming McDonalds deal with it appropriately and fire the workers in question that is a bit of an over-reaction.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Jul 28, 12:48 PM
    Personally, I think those of us trying to by a more efficient vehicle would be better served by buying smaller cars and switching to diesel power. People like to believe that by switching to a hybrid drivetrain they can have their cake (own a monstrously large SUV) and eat it too (drive guilt-free because it's a hybrid). But that is fantasy. Hybrid SUVs get better gas mileage than their non-hybrid counterparts - but are still not very economical. Lifestyle changes (buying smaller vehicles) will make a much bigger impact compared with buying huge, gas-guzzling hybrid trucks and SUVs.

    Switching from a Tahoe to a Tahoe hybrid is just window dressing. Switching from, say, a Ford Explorer to a diesel Golf - now that will make a difference.

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  • jonnysods
    Sep 30, 07:42 AM
    Very modest house for a guy of his wealth. Very impressive.

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  • css1323
    May 2, 10:23 PM
    There have been unrelated complaints about battery life since 4.3 came out, and for the entire existence of the Verizon version. Maybe they've finally addressed that.

    Wow, I finally got a reply! Didn't expect that, I appreciate it. ;)

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  • TheAppleDragon
    Apr 29, 04:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The iOS scrollbars ALWAYS looked that way to me. Dunno why. XD

    I kinda liked the 'old' switch look to the tab selection, but that's just me.

    Seriously though, no changes to Spaces...? :/

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  • marks47
    Jan 11, 04:17 PM
    I have a problem with tv-b-gone users in general.
    That said, I was laughing at the video.
    Some people have screamed "sue!"
    You have to be able to PROVE damages.

    As for causing the companies damages, remember these guys probably screwed up about 2 minutes worth of each presentation they messed with... We just happened to see it repeatedly, and non-stop. Don't forget those presentations are made every 5-10 minutes every day for 3-4 days... In the grand scheme of things, I have a hard time believing anyone was *really* damaged.

    That said, I'm going to be manning our booth at Macworld next week. I'm disabling the IR receivers so nobody comes by with an Apple remote, trying to trigger front row on all our laptops!! :)

    Apr 11, 07:38 AM
    Excellent sig. ;)
    Shoulda seen the last one

    Jul 21, 10:56 AM
    Well, if they treat their customers this way then what do they expect?

    Imagine an icecream stand, selling icecream cones "revolutionarily" cylindrical in shape and everyone's icecream fell out the bottom. Then, they remedy this by going "ok, we'll give you all a small piece of paper to glue to the bottom that will sort of fix the problem."

    I know. Damn you, Apple, for giving me a better phone than my 3G!! Damn you!!!

    Mar 4, 11:07 AM
    Keep talking Veil, 2010 was just the 'coming attractions.'

    No- you keep talking, please. Please, we beg you to keep trying crap like this. It'll all but guarantee the Republicans' demise. Really, you could not self destruct more beautifully. You're not for freedom at all, just freedom for government and corporations to walk all over their workers. And since you never mentioned the anti-gay addition to this bill, I assume you're OK with that too.

    Sep 9, 03:38 PM
    Too bad I missed it. I hate rap/hiphop AND football. ;)

    Nov 16, 01:02 PM
    No basically. Not saying it won't ever happen, but Apple is way to happy with Intel right now to go to a competitor. Its not going to happen until Intel and Apple fall out of love.

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