Friday 19 August 2011

naturally curly hairstyle

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  • Curly hair is super sexy and

  • firestarter
    Apr 21, 01:15 PM
    Vote me up if you love kittens! :D

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  • naturally curly hairstyle

  • omyard
    Apr 8, 02:19 PM
    Well this sucks. I liked the original "Best Buy is evil" story. :mad:

    naturally curly hairstyle. and naturally curly hair
  • and naturally curly hair

  • ktappe
    Mar 28, 03:23 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    Strongly agree. "Dissent" does not equal "hate". On the contrary, dissenting voices are what make our society so grand.

    There are LOTS of completely valid reasons for a perfectly good app to not be in the App Store. There are many apps that are very useful, productive, and of high quality that by their very nature can't get into the App store due to its rules. Rules that forbid the exact reason some of those apps exist; such as modifying the OS in ways the user needs or by doing things a better way than Apple does. As a result, these "awards" are tainted from the very get-go and I plan to dismiss them accordingly.

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  • girls natural curly hairstyles

  • luismagda94
    Aug 8, 01:00 AM
    Just checked Dell's 30" and apart from the built-in card reader (woohoo) and a USB Upstream port and a slightly faster response time 11 ms vs. 14 ms, the two are nearly identical. Apple's has two firewire ports and looks a lot cleaner and more elegant and is $200 cheaper.

    Now if Dell drops their price by $500, then the $300 price difference might make the Dell version tempting again.

    Nah, I like beauty, even if it costs a little extra.

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  • Celebrity Curly Hairstyle

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 15, 12:20 AM
    well only 1 465 gtx. the other was just another 9800 GT. but when i run 3 of them in the same computer, one of them overheats - to 104C! but if i take one out, then it runs fine

    104c wow! :eek: might need to get a bit more air movement in there hey!

    naturally curly hairstyle. Seth Rogen Naturally Curly
  • Seth Rogen Naturally Curly

  • iGary
    Nov 16, 08:00 AM
    I threw up in my mouth a little bit� for a month with the Intel switch.

    I may have to hospitalized if this actually happens.

    naturally curly hairstyle. Maybe Her Naturally Curly
  • Maybe Her Naturally Curly

  • xUKHCx
    May 6, 02:15 AM
    With IE 8 if I vote it get kicked back to the main forum page, if I press back I get the first error message below, the forum isn't displayed. If I then reload the page nothing happens and after a while I go to close the tab and the second error message appears.

    It sometimes affects other forum pages I go to but will usually clear up after a while. I just have to remember not to vote while I am on IE8.


    naturally curly hairstyle. for naturally curly hair
  • for naturally curly hair

  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 11:01 AM
    Lets keep the flaming going lol, Maybe it will reach 500 posts, lmao funny how people believe everything they read in a forum, sec I'm also a lawyer, and Doctor, yea I can pick any profession I want on MacRumors, everyone enjoy their iPad, I'm going back to the real world, while the debate in this thread continues.

    So you just lied about the whole thing? Or now you actually feel bad so you're trying to turn the tables on everyone who's calling you out?

    Uh, you're cool.

    naturally curly hairstyle. For Naturally Curly Hair
  • For Naturally Curly Hair

  • Torrijos
    Jul 21, 11:05 AM
    The antenna issue is real. It is more pronounced on the iPhone 4 than other smartphones because it is directly exposed to touch.

    That said, Apple is defending the notion that this problem does in fact affect nearly all phones to some degree. They show evidence and catalog it very clearly. What's wrong with that?

    What upsets me more is the backlash from those companies denying the issue altogether - denying an issue that these videos and others clearly show. Shouldn't this denial be more worrisome?

    Exactly, plus, like Anandtech showed (the only technical site that tried to gather technical information on the problem), the iPhone do suffer of a higher attenuation of signal when touched, but at the same seems to have better reception at lower signal levels this is why the amount of drop calls is less than 1% over the level of the 3GS.

    So if your in an average-low signal area, and touch the "mean" spot tightly you will still be able to maintain communications, the fact that some people seem to believe that you could be in a full signal area and drop a call simply because you touched your phone is at best lack of knowledge, at worst (like in a lot if not the majority of tech websites) cash trolling (Leprechaun-ing?!).

    A nice follow up from Anandtech (or any other site) would be to calculate/show real-life implications, like the distance from the antenna that the problems cost you.

    naturally curly hairstyle. Style Naturally Curly Hair
  • Style Naturally Curly Hair

  • applekid
    Apr 15, 11:54 PM
    Re-read your post on the first page. So, there's been no one that has run into rtgoldfish on X-Box Live? :confused:

    At least that could make for a possible lead if someone could get the thief to say where he/she lives.

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  • naturally curly hairstyles

  • Soschil
    Jan 16, 05:29 AM
    Everyone is harping on the MacBook Air because of it's lack of ports or an optical drive, but at the end of the day people are still going to want to buy it. It's a nice product.

    I think its very reasonably priced by the way - compare that to other machines in the class.

    Well put. I for one want one in a bad way.

    Since watching the keynote yesterday I've been mulling over how I use my iBook, and I don't really need more than a single USB and occasionally the DVI.

    It's time for me to get a new laptop, and portability is a primary concern to me along with battery life. However I want a screen that's at least 13". I could carry around an extra lbs or 2, but I prefer not to. The MBA CPU is plenty fast for me and the HDD is big enough. I'll probably get the external superdrive too.
    Yes, it is a bit pricey but I'm willing to pay. It'll have to wait though - I spent a ton of money traveling last year, so it'll be a while before I have the cash together. Just as well as I'd prefer to get a Rev B. :D

    naturally curly hairstyle. Naturally Curly Hair Bangs.
  • Naturally Curly Hair Bangs.

  • T-Will
    Apr 5, 04:32 PM


    naturally curly hairstyle. Penn has naturally curly hair.
  • Penn has naturally curly hair.

  • DewGuy1999
    Apr 13, 09:50 PM
    Lockware Systems (

    So, on the left side of the above linked page it says they're $120 and on the right side of the same page it says they're $140! So, which is it?

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  • curly-hair-natural-style.jpg

  • iOrlando
    Apr 25, 10:26 AM
    I think this is a great feature, and long overdue. It is very difficult to actually read through these comment threads once they hit 100 posts or so.

    Few things:

    1) I suggest have absolute tallies for the up and down votes. If one post got 300 votes on it, but the up votes offset the down votes, it would end up showing as 0 vs. a relatively obscure post that simply gets 4 up ratings would show up as 4. I want to see the comments that garnered a lot of attention/votes.

    2) I also suggest coloring up arrows as green and down arrows as red. Much easier on the eye.

    3) For those arguing about abuse with this feature, this site is geared for pro-Apple people, so any sense of impartiality or neutrality within the comments is non-existence. If people come to this site wanting pro-Apple stuff, they shouldn't be faced with trolls and other Apple haters.

    naturally curly hairstyle. naturally curly hairstyle
  • naturally curly hairstyle

  • vixapphire
    Jan 15, 05:05 PM
    I think the best is the Apple TV. I mean seriously. They did all that and didn't require you to get new hardware. Good one for Apple.

    that's only because it was a largely useless p.o.s. product out of the gate, and they've only just gotten around to "repurposing" it in the itunes rental scheme.

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  • Very Short Curly hairstyle

  • davepoint
    Aug 9, 12:31 PM
    This has been a continual problem with the 23". With decent color management you can "fix" the cast by changing the RGB values sent to the monitor in an effort to counterbalance the pink. This has limitations, however, and tends to impact the overall consistency of color reproduction.

    Most color-savvy companies will agree that the 20" and especially the 30" are more suited to color-managed workflows. Hopefully this new generation fixes that.

    The pink cast etc are the main things holding me back, and even if they are 'really' fixed with this revision there's still the dodginess of whether or not you're getting a new or old revision. I suppose if you buy direct from the apple store that would be less of an issue but then it's a hassle if you need to return it etc

    naturally curly hairstyle. The curly hairstyles tend to
  • The curly hairstyles tend to

  • Konz
    Oct 6, 02:33 PM
    Looks more deceptive than factual. I'm sure Verizon is being very generous with the definition of "3G coverage" for their own network while doing just the opposite with AT&T's.

    Neither carrier actually has a 3G coverage map available on their website.

    A little fishy? Me thinks.... :confused:

    naturally curly hairstyle. Post image for Naturally Curly
  • Post image for Naturally Curly

  • krestfallen
    Nov 16, 01:02 PM
    intel offers better chips for the same price. and why releasing a thurion notebook? it's way slower and consumes more power.

    the one and only possibility for me is an super-beginner notebook with a weak chip.

    naturally curly hairstyle. ok, i have naturally curly
  • ok, i have naturally curly

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 02:51 AM
    From engadget (as i couldn't be bothered to look them up myself :P)

    7:00AM - Hawaii
    10:00AM - Pacific
    11:00AM - Mountain
    12:00PM - Central
    1:00PM - Eastern
    5:00PM - GMT
    6:00PM - London
    7:00PM - Paris
    2:00AM - Tokyo (September 13th)

    i think the same question about start times across the world is gonna be asked a LOT today! maybe someone needs to put this in a more visible position?

    !� V �!
    Apr 29, 06:09 PM
    Why do we assume that the person using it is an idiot? What was so confusing about it? It takes two seconds to get use to it.

    I think inverted scrolling has the potential to confuse people more and is probably harder to get use to.

    I am guessing that you have never worked as tech support or with family members or relatives that are not tech savvy. ;):D

    Remember :apple: produces products for the young and young at heart. ;)

    Have you not noticed that Steve Jobs weak eyesight and the text in Mac OS growing ever so large. If it was my choice I would have tiny text on screen.

    Oct 2, 04:50 PM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

    Well, he currently eyeing selling the tech to companies, presumably some of which are willing to spend big bucks to jam their way into the iPod + iTunes ecosphere. At least now, it's clear it's mostly about making moola.

    Apr 16, 11:15 PM
    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.

    That's the truth! With an Andriod download I can easy get a free Trojan program along with the app I wanted.

    The Trojans seem to work but many of the apps don't. Dam Apple to heck for not letting people load any old crapo they want into iTunes.

    Oct 6, 12:04 PM
    Great commecial. Hey, anything that could conceivably light a fire under AT&T is a good thing. I used to have Verizon, and the reception in my house was perfect: I don't recall a single time when a call dropped. Then I bought the iPhone 3GS (which I love) and now I drop calls if I do the unthinkable and walk around the house a bit while I'm on the phone. I'm still happy to have the iPhone, considering how little I actually use the phone portion, but it would be nice if phone service was more reliable even for little ol' me.

    May 3, 09:25 PM

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